Thursday, July 29, 2010

beautiful chat ..

Had a talk with Kenneth jus now in the car for almost 20 min (approx) .. We had chats about our relationship , where is it heading to,our breakdowns, miscommunications and our beloved DRAMA'S .. Funnily enough that we can discuss it openly and laughing all the way in having both of us laughing at ourself on how silly we can be..

There come a point of time i told him ... I miss you being so romantic and putting down the ego to pujuk me .. where is that you? no more geh .. and he laugh .. and said that he is kayu and apparently when he did all those funny lil romantic thingy that i actually didnt give any reaction thats why he sien liao .. dont wanna do already .. (oh damn!!)

We both talk about our arguements .. Last time use to be 7days a week and now it has been improved .. average 1 arguement per week .. why the breakdown? both point finger at each other lo .. and he say 'you think i donno you ah .. i kno you well enough to kno how you will react everytime ..

I guess i really love this conversation .. being open and laugh at ourself and correct all the mistake and breakdown along the way to create better relationship in the future .. no arguement,no deep understanding about each other ..

i'm blessed to have a bf that love me for who am i .. care for me enough to know me so well in person, to accept my goods and bads , mood swings, tsunami swings, whatever swings that i have .. what more can i ask for? oh ya .. romantic bf ... that he say he stopped being because i got no reaction when he is being romantic .. mayb i should have some reaction then?mayb? hm.. will think about it ..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

今天的星期六 。。

最近忙的也是工作。。承受的压力。。是必经的。。 爸爸说我太急。。自己给自己很多的不必的压力。。可能是吧。。真的要学习放松一下。。忙了两个星期的工作终于今天完成了。坐着对着电脑已经八个小时了。。完成了觉得有些满足感。。在做着工作的时候一直在听歌。。某一些歌让我想起了很多经历过的事情。。甜的,酸的,苦的。。都有 。。。

这两个多月,忙的是工作和fun quiz。。fun quiz 已经圆满结束了。。准备了两个多月到了当天,终于觉得是值得的。。当天我很享受整个fun quiz。。看到了最大胆的装扮,整个房间充满欢笑声。。一个很不同的体验。。

在整两个月期间,我领悟和学到了很多的东西。。尤其是人性,团体精神,领悟到,之前我不明白的事 。。 有好的,也有不好的。。

人,总是计算不到的。。爸爸说我太天真了。。之前我会发脾气当他这么说我。。但现在,当经过了,我承认我还是很天真。。想的每件事情会很好的,每个人都是很好的。。很圆满的。。但现实是那样的吗?现实是残酷的。。不想去接受但必须的。。我所领悟到的,好的, 我会继续的学习。。 不好的,我会提醒我自己不会对别人那样。。

